Bishop Sam Valverde
Since my youth, I began using this concept of 'trees of righteousness' to give Bible studies to acquaintances and friends.
More than thirty years ago I would give this Bible study on paper napkins in restaurants, on notepads, in taxi cabs and everywhere else that I had a captive audience. I once gave the study by using a stick to draw the pictures in the dirt! Don’t laugh, both ladies converted to Christ; one is now a pastor’s wife.
In 1991, the Lord granted me the privilege of writing this Bible study. Initially, the purpose was to mobilize men of the church to behave manly or like the Andrew of the Bible, whose name means 'manly'.
Justification By Faith
We have updated the graphics, colors, and design for a more contemporary presentation. We have inserted a lesson titled “Justification by Faith.”
We have changed the version from the King James Version (KJV) to the English Standard Version (ESV), which uses a more contemporary language and is, therefore, more pleasant to the unconverted, while it is faithful to the respected King James translation.
Let's Open The Bible
This introductory lesson is for people that know little or nothing about the Word of God. It explains the infallibility, the importance, as well as the divisions of the Bible. It also explains Isaiah 61:1-3 in a step-by-step fashion.
The Animal (Natural) Man
Based on I Corinthians 2:14 and Galatians 5:19-21, this lesson defines the natural man and his characteristics and biblically exhibits the fruit a person in this state naturally produces. Its purpose is to demonstrate that we are all sinners in need of a savior.
Justification By Faith
We are saved by grace through faith by Jesus Christ. This lesson defines what it means to be justified by faith and it describes how, through that justification, we have access into the realm of the grace of God, in order to continue with the process of salvation.
The Repented Man
Here we see the effects of the mighty Word of God when a sinner genuinely believes. Once a person sees their true condition before God, the only option is to repent and embrace the cross.
The Born-Again Man I
In this lesson we examine Jesus' dialogue with Nicodemus found in John 3. Re-birth through baptism in Jesus Name is firmly established.
The Born-Again Man II
We continue with the topic of the need to be born again in Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus… Here we study the need to be born of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues.
The Carnal & Overcoming Man
The Carnal & Overcoming Man
If the born-again man does not learn to walk in the Spirit, he may become Carnal. After the newness of his conversion wears off, or if he was motivated only by emotion, the desires of the natural man may spring up and deter his spiritual growth.
The Overcoming Man
As the born-again man learns to walk in the Spirit and “cut-off” the wrongful desires of the flesh, he will overcome the flesh and guide himself by the Spirit. This lesson gives help on how to establish good Christian discipline.
The Reprobate & Spiritual Man
The Reprobate Man
If the carnal man continues in that state, he may become a reprobate. Even though we do not dwell on this issue in this study, the candidates must know that salvation can be lost.
The Spiritual Man
As the overcoming man continues to strengthen himself in the Word, he will eventually become a spiritual man. This is God's goal for the life of every believer so that he can be used for the further expansion of the kingdom while naturally producing the sweet fruit of the spirit.